Rom. 116:20 “…since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made…”
Lucky for me, (since I live in the forest) God’s voice is never clearer than when I’m surrounded by his creation- with each moss covered boulder, each sunset and sunrise, each bubbling brook and blossoming flower, he really is made KNOWN . And that saying, “to know Him is to love Him” is more than true when it comes to the Rainbow maker!
(This picture is made with colored pencils, quite fun:)
Shalom, zoe
I can hold on to my dreams
By a thread.
Like a kite
I can fly on a breeze.
I am weightless -
a single seed~
I can float
on the breath of Heaven
On the precipice
of danger
Through a sky
shot through with lightening
With wings relentless
Still in flight
I will soar beyond
each foe
The sunrise bids my soul
brisk breezes thrill
Faith defiant
surges still
from where I have laid
and beauty*
from the grave unfolds~
Beautiful! You have such talent! Please, anytime you would like to talk over the phone let me know. I miss our conversations.
ReplyDeleteWill do Laurie, it will do me so much good to talk with you- it's a bit selfish! Hopefully, it will be good for you too*
ReplyDeleteThanks for all the info you share on your site- you're amazing girlfriend!