Sweat courses down
My back, arms, my face
I’ve fought against this prison
This God-forsaken place
This life- this body-
These maladies—
Leave scarcely any trace
Of who and where the
I that was-
I’ve simply
been erased.
Life’s current doesn’t wait for me
others pass me by
While I confined,
infirm- alone-
Paste on my smile, wave
Inwardly I cringe and sob
I flail against the walls
I scream and
no one hears me
And then, to God
I cry*
Then Light
shines ovr’ the many truths
More precious yea, than life
Each one I’ve gathered,
by hardship chiseled fine*
They glisten
with each teardrop-
a rainbow! back to me
a promise of redemption*
one day I shall be free-
For now, within my chamber
A comforter resides
I merely need remember
in Him-
I can confide
And though the heartache sting
Though the body fail
The greater truths are
mine to hold*
For with Him
I have travailed
And when in time ,Time ceases
And each knee bows in Heaven,
Before my God, my comforter,
My Savior and my friend
I shall place my jewels, each one-
Meekly at his feet
Add gladly give my freedom
*back to Him again*
I chaffed again, at my position in life- here. always here. Medications that make me sleep half the day away- or suffer more and more seizures- It's days like these that doing a bit of sketching and random poetry soothe my soul and help me to remember that there is a purpose given under heaven for every season. There is a purpose greater than my happiness or well-being, or comfort- God's purpose* and I surely want to be a part of that!
If you visit, please just say hi with the comment option, blogs are so blogish- without others sharing too. Maybe you have a suggestion, a poem of your own- or whatever!
From somewhere over the rainbow,
ps. I have NO IDEA how this thing changes sizes of font on you randomly- so - take it for what it is- a learning experience! (Hints welcome, of course!)